Sunday, June 08, 2014

Yes, I am still at Go check it out!

Friday, November 23, 2012

My web site is still at Go check it out!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

My new web site is now up and running at Go check it out!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

A national teach-in day on global warming in the USA ...

You can listen live today at or check out their archives later.

The home site is

And so far this event has been totally absent from the mainstream media ...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

For an interesting article by Stephen Pinker on evolution and human moral systems of thought and behavior see:



Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lester Brown's book Plan B 3.0 is now available and he's on tour at lecture/book signing events. You can now purchase and download Plan B 3.0 from
James Reston, the author of The Conviction of Richard Nixon and lead researcher in the historic 1977 Nixon interviews, gives an interesting view in USA Today on what should happen after the end of Bush's term. He advocates a five-element reconstruction of the US after a pull-out from Iraq. This would include a cleansing of the US political processes of the abuses, missteps, distortions and outright lies that he feels have happened in the last seven years. Read more here.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

An overview of the USA before and after seven years of the Bush presidency is alarming and saddening... It shows in cold hard statistical figures what many US and international observers have been warning about for some years now: The decline of the USA as a global leading country, both in economic as in quality-of-life and in international reputation terms.


Time for a Change!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Will Grass save our World?

Will a grassy weed which grows high and thick in midsummer solve our global warming crisis? Will an unruly, waving thicket of seven-foot-tall green switchgrass stalks be a major source of US farm-grown fuel and supplant corn as a source for the fast-growing ethanol industry? Read more here!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

This is awesome, enjoy!

I know I am preaching to the choir but this is a really good explanation about what is wrong with our economy and government. And hopefully about how we can fix both.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Here's the scoop on Lester Brown's Plan B 2.0. Let me know if you find this helpful! And pass it on! And Enjoy!

Perhaps the most important book to read right now... Warning: chapters 2-6 are pretty depressing, but the end of the book is pretty amazing...

All the basic ecological/climate/food/birthcontrol/water/global warming problems could be solved starting right now with current technology and a small percentage of the current world's arms budget. Well documented and extensively footnoted...

Now if we can just figure out how to get over our various psychological, power, addictions, and traumas, so that we could actually implement these solutions (no more technology or science is needed)... And time is running out faster than we know or think...

Here's how to get a softcopy of Lester Brown's Plan B 2.0 from Earth Policy Institute Web Site. The site navigation is a bit non-obvious, so the important links are below.

Main page for Earth Policy Institue is:

Plan B 2.0 main page is:

Download of Plan B 2.0 is:

To get email eco updates (low-volume) go to:

and last, but not least, if you purchase 5 hardcopies of Plan B 2.0 you get membership on the Plan B Team: